Kitchen Faucet Buying Guide

There are so many kitchen faucets on the market today; it can be hard to know which one is right for you. Sometimes people get frustrated and just buy a cheap model that doesn’t fit their needs or rely on store employees who may not know about kitchen faucet features.

This article will help you learn how to choose the perfect kitchen faucet for your home. In addition, you can learn about different faucet options and decide which one will work best for you.

Types of Kitchen Faucets

There are many different types of kitchen faucets available today, and each one has its own unique features. Some have a spray feature, some have separate hot and cold water handles, others are touchless or motion activated. In addition, they can be wall-mounted or free-standing. Here is a list of the most common types so you can decide which style will best fit your needs.

In-Line Faucets

These are the most basic kitchen faucet type. They have a vertical spout that directly connects to the water supply pipes under your sink. The height and location of the faucet can be adjusted using a hot/cold water handle or valve, but these types of faucets are not as easily moved around because they are attached to the water supply pipes.

Hot and Cold Handle or Valve Faucet:

This faucet type has a hot/cold handle with separate levers for hot and cold water. There is no spray feature on these types of models. The handle can be turned in any direction but may be limited in its range of movement depending on the specific faucet design.

Touchless Faucets

These models have no physical handles at all. You control them with a motion sensor or remote control. There are two types of touchless devices: 1) motion-activated, which must be manually programmed to have different functions for different times of the day, and 2) touchless systems, which have an internal sensor that detects when you are near the sink.


  • Touchless Motion sensor: Wave the sensor without touch, water flows, wave again, water stops. Water stops automatically after 3mins continuous flow.
  • Please make sure the manual handle has been turned on when you use the sensor.
  • 180°rotation: Pull-out water hose with manul button to switch waterfall-flow or shower-rain-flow.
  • Low power indication: Sensor LED continuously flashes 5 times to indicate low power. This may indicate it is time to replace existing batteries with new ones or there is not enough power going to the unit. Easily replace the batteries without tools.
  • Sensor distance adjustable by a remote controller.
  • Healthy and Safe: with touch-free faucet for the kitchen, it can prevent the spread of bacteria and germs. It’s not only time-saving but also hygienic.
  • Cold & hot water mixer: There is a mixer within the faucet to adjust the water temperature by handle.
  • Water saving: Water efficient faucet reduces overall water usage without sacrificing water. Can save water than regular manual kitchen faucet.
  • Energy saving: Battery shall last approximately 3000 times/month for one and half year.
black and chrome touch free kitchen faucet

Pull Down Touchless Kitchen Faucet KEG-10-Z101.1D/2D

Motionsense handfree kitchen sink faucet chrome and black

TOP Rated touchless Kitchen Faucet keg-10-Z102D

Sensor Kitchen Sink Faucet KEG-10-Z103D

Pull Down Faucets

These types of faucets look like standard hot/cold handle models until you pull down on their spout (usually located in the middle or left side). The spout then extends for easy access to hard-to-reach areas.

How to Choose the Right Faucet for Your Home

There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing your new kitchen faucet, regardless of the type you choose. Here are the main factors to consider:


Consider the overall style of your kitchen and choose a faucet that matches. If you have a stainless steel sink, it doesn’t make sense to buy a polished chrome model- you’ll probably want something more stainless steel or brushed nickel color. You also don’t want to go too modern in an older home. It’s best to choose a style that will match your entire kitchen and look cohesive.


A good kitchen faucet should not be overly expensive, but it shouldn’t be so cheap that it starts leaking after a month. Be sure to compare prices from different brands and online outlets before making your decision.

Water Flow

In the past, people used to get stuck with whatever water pressure they were given at their house. But today’s faucets come in a variety of styles and with different water flow settings. Some allow for high-pressure output (great for cleaning), while others have low-pressure output (great for filling pots and pans).

Spray Feature

Some faucets have a spray feature built-in, while others don’t. If you already have a sink sprayer on your faucet, then you certainly don’t need another one! But if you want just the sprayer without any other features attached to it, you should choose a faucet with a separate spray feature.

Cleaning Features

Some kitchen faucets have an option for cleaning mode, which you can sometimes activate by touching a button (ask about this if it’s important to you). This is useful for quickly rinsing your dishes and preventing buildup in the pipes.

Buying and Installing a New Kitchen Faucet

Many faucet manufacturers offer a free how-to guide online to help you understand the installation process. It is not usually that difficult of a project, but it depends on what brand and model you have purchased (some models require special tools for installation). However, by following the manufacturer’s instructions, most people can successfully install their kitchen faucets.

Tips on Saving Money on Your Kitchen Faucet

Be sure to compare prices online

Don’t buy the first one you see. For example, you’ll probably notice that some faucets are overpriced at your local department store, so check the price at a few retailers before making any decisions (maybe even call them ahead of time to ask what their price is). You may find the same model (or similar) elsewhere for a better deal.

Carefully read the warranty information

If you plan to buy an expensive faucet, it should come with at least a one-year warranty. Moreover, make sure that you read all of the terms and conditions carefully before making any purchases. Some warranties cover parts, while others cover labor as well.

Contact the manufacturer

If you run into any trouble installing your faucet, then it’s best to contact the manufacturer directly instead of relying on customer service at a local store or contractor. You may think that you can save money by having someone else install it, but in reality, it’s probably best to have the product installed by professionals.

Final Thoughts

There are many different types of faucets for installation in your kitchen. The key thing to remember is that you get what you pay for and that there’s no need to worry about getting the most expensive one on the market if it isn’t something you can genuinely afford.

All in all, finding the right kitchen faucet doesn’t have to be complicated. Just follow some simple advice for purchasing a quality product along with the manufacturer’s instructions, and you will have your kitchen faucet up and running in no time!

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